Last weekend I was a mess. I had just kicked off my Seed round of fundraising for my company, and had bought into the idea that ‘fundraising is a grind.’ I was stressed, tired, and unable to be present. Ugh.
But, get this—I changed my mindset. I chose to be happy.
I removed the false deadlines and undue pressure on myself.
I gave myself credit for all that I was learning, versus playing over my inevitable mistakes over and over in my head.
I flooded myself with gratitude for all the help my friends were giving with advice and intros.
I got excited about how many amazing people I was meeting who were helping me think through my business.
This wasn’t easy. To get there, I did a lot of journaling. A lot. But, now, I am enjoying the process.
Parenting (kinda like starting a company) is an ultra-marathon, not a sprint. How can you enjoy the ride?
