Sometimes self-care can feel like yet another task on your to-do list -- usually found at the bottom. But, ultimately self-care is about not about doing more, but less -- putting in place boundaries to show that you value yourself.
So pick one small action you can do every day this week. These micro-self-care actions can be done in under a minute:
Lock the bathroom door. Yes, peeing in peace counts.
Stretch. Stand-up and gently stretch your shoulders and back. Stretching can release both physical and emotional stress.
Put on your favorite pick-me-up song. Spend one-minute dancing wherever you are. (I've been known to do this before big meetings.)
Smile for 60 seconds. Smiling releases dopamine and serotonin, reducing stress.
Just breath. Take four deep breaths -- 8 seconds to inhale and 5 to exhale. Breathing has been shown to reduce stress and physiology.
Want to make sure you do it? Pair it with another activity you are already doing -- such as smiling for 60 seconds after you brush your teeth.
I'm curious -- what micro-self-care actions do you take? I'd love to build up my list!