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Take a Day of Rest

Updated: Aug 23, 2018

I completely burnt myself out at the end of 2017. Between starting Uplift, being a mom, and moving to a new city, I created a hamster wheel that destroyed me. 

I fake rested. Sitting on the couch? I was actually thinking through my unfinished chores. Meditating? Squeezed in between meetings, it really doesn't have the same effect. 

I broke down. One day I woke up and couldn't stop crying. I was just so tired. So, I took the last two weeks of the year to do nothing: binge watch TV, declutter closets (since clear house = clear mind), and spent time with people I love. I can't get to that point again.

I'm instituting a day of rest: No work, no email, no social media, no to-do-list, no housework. Yesterday was my first. I read a book for fun, made pillow forts with the kids, did yoga, and didn't even get out of my PJs. It was more luxurious than a massage.

Jumping off my hamster wheel is scary -- being busy helps me escape dealing with emotions. But, the only way you grow is when you step out of your comfort zone. 

You willing to try it? Start with one day, block it off in your calendar, and do it. 


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