I default to doing. I’m like a train whizzing past the stations on a set track. Wake up. Workout. Get the kids ready. Breakfast. Tackle my number one priority. Every day.
Over the winter, I completely burnt out. I woke up crying every day and realized this train was leaving parts of me behind.
I have spent the past 6 months working on redesigning my approach to life. The most significant change is to listen to my needs and adjust.
On Monday, I woke up sad, with hints of the burnout I experienced earlier. I caught myself and realized what I needed more than tearing through work was self-compassion and no expectations.
I threw out my daily priorities, did mindless (but necessary work), and went to my co-working space to connect with others. It was a fantastic day. On Tuesday, I was rejuvenated and ready to kill it.
Where are you today? What do you need? Don’t spend the energy trying to be somewhere you aren’t.