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You Are Enough

I struggle with a scarcity mindset: I don't have enough time, so need to overschedule my life. I'll never get to experience this...

Laugh and Move On

Not even an hour after I wrote about my 2018 theme of treating the root cause versus the symptoms, this happened. I cut myself with a...

Create a Confetti Drawer

I am obsessed with this talk by Tina Roth Eisenberg, the founder of Tattly and Creative Mornings. Her story is a beacon of having kids...

The Power of Reframe

As anyone with kids knows all too well, you cannot control the world around you. (And, you will go crazy if you try.) But, you can...

Leave on a High Note

One tip that has helped make our family lives smoother is to always 'end on a high note'.  I used to eek out every second of joy out of...

F*ck Yeah

At Google, I ran a daily team meeting tackling the onslaught of issues arising during a critical pre-launch period.  It was depressing....

The Power of Thanks

A huge refrain for Uplift is gratitude, which seems particularly fitting for this week. It is so powerful. First off, your perspective...

We All Have Bad Days

I hate to admit this, but I have sat, crying on my bathroom floor asking myself why I became a mom.  I was exhausted, stretched too thin...

Stop Light Dance Parties

I’m a huge fan of celebrating micro-moments — cherishing the everyday moments and making them special.  My kids and I have ‘stop light...

The SOS Checklist

So, yesterday I had a horrible day.  Had frustrating experiences with co-workers that felt all-consuming.  I felt stuck in a bad mental...

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