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Don’t Step on a Crack

The other morning, I was super stressed. The hyper-efficient Kari wanted to drive the kids to school instead of taking the extra...

My First Podcast!

I’m a total podcast junkie. Working out, cleaning, driving, I rarely don't have one on. So, I was psyched when I had my first podcast...

Savor your ordinary

Loving this quote this week. It seems like good advice for us moms, too. Wishing you a magically ordinary week! “Do not ask your children...

Five things

“What happened today?” gets total silence from my four-year-old, or his favorite line, “I can’t remember.” Here is a great hack to break...

(Not) Snapping at kids

And, our final tip from a single dad, Marc Pickett... This is a recent discovery. I found myself getting into the habit of speaking...

Notice the headwinds

So often we notice the headwinds in our life—what is making things harder for us. Raising money is harder as a woman. Mommy bias is the...

Embody your best self

Recently, I’ve been having some important meetings where I need to impress. A new trick has been helping me nail these conversations. I...

Be early

Those that know me well will laugh that I’m writing this, as I am chronically late. But, I recently heard the quote, “all the good things...

Talk to your past self

On the Tim Ferriss podcast, Penn (from Penn and Teller) talked about the benefits of his extensive journaling practice (from the past...

Weekly Emails to Kids

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be sharing some “Dad hacks” from a Marc Picket, who is raising two young kids on his own. I love his...

Throw a regular event

My family and I just hosted our 4th kid’s NYE party. We have a balloon drop at 6:30pm, so the kids can all be home in bed by eight. The...

Minimum Viable Effort

When picking your new resolutions, starting small is key. Pick something that feels laughably easy. Don’t try to meditate every day for...

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