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Systems thinking

Your focus last week was surviving. (Congrats, you made it.) This week your focus should be systems. You want to move out of taking it...

My First Podcast!

I’m a total podcast junkie. Working out, cleaning, driving, I rarely don't have one on. So, I was psyched when I had my first podcast...

Five things

“What happened today?” gets total silence from my four-year-old, or his favorite line, “I can’t remember.” Here is a great hack to break...

(Not) Snapping at kids

And, our final tip from a single dad, Marc Pickett... This is a recent discovery. I found myself getting into the habit of speaking...

Throw a regular event

My family and I just hosted our 4th kid’s NYE party. We have a balloon drop at 6:30pm, so the kids can all be home in bed by eight. The...

Healthy Travel Part 2

Yesterday, I gave tips on how to eat healthy on vacation. Today are ones on acting healthy. Be active Walk. A lot. Walk whenever you...

Host an Instant Party

I love hosting low-key parties on Friday nights. Who has the energy to go out? And, feeling social on Friday stretches out the whole...

No More Morning Nagging

I'm continually optimizing our weekday mornings. My newest addition has been a game-changer: I set a timer and tell them that they have...

Look at What's Working

Rowan hates school. It's heartbreaking. Every morning I leave a screaming kid to head to work. Talk about mom guilt. As a Type A mom,...

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